'They're tightening the screws': Kremlin ups attacks on critics abroad

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2024-08-04 04:06:22

'They're tightening the screws': Kremlin ups attacks on critics abroad

With dissent snuffed out at home, Russia intensifies attacks on opponents seeking refuge in the West.
2024-08-04 04:06:20

Fined for yellow and blue shoes: How Russian laws smother dissent

Since the invasion of Ukraine, the measures used to clamp down on Kremlin critics have swelled.
2024-07-21 03:06:16

Kremlin denies Russian involvement in plot on German arms chief

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2024-07-12 16:08:11

Kremlin: Le Pen's French election victory is the will of the voters

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2024-07-01 16:09:16

Kremlin says ICC arrest warrant for ex-defence minister is 'absurd'

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2024-06-26 15:09:19

Indian Premier Modi to Visit Russia, Kremlin Aide Says

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2024-06-25 11:08:54

A year after mutiny, Kremlin controls Wagner remnants

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2024-06-23 14:07:36

A year after mutiny, Kremlin controls Wagner remnants

Moscow has effectively replaced the mercenary group's influence in Africa and Ukraine, experts say.
2024-06-23 13:07:38

Kremlin justifies attacks on Ukraine's power grid

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2024-06-11 15:11:05

Kremlin: Ukraine must not use NATO weapons to hit Russian territory

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2024-05-30 17:09:23

Russia to hold nuclear drills following 'threats' from West

Russia will hold tactical nuclear weapons drills in response to recent comments by France and the UK, the Kremlin said.
2024-05-06 19:08:41

Post Content
2024-04-24 15:10:12

The pro-Kremlin troll and the false Sydney attack claims

Simeon Boikov sparked a social media frenzy implicating an innocent 20-year-old in the shopping mall attack.
2024-04-16 05:06:51

Steve Rosenberg: What's behind Russian frenzy to blame Ukraine for concert attack?

Parroting the Kremlin line, Russian media is ignoring IS claims of responsibility for the Crocus City attack.
2024-04-08 17:09:34

Kremlin says Russia in 'state of war' in Ukraine

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2024-03-22 14:09:53

What Russians are being told about Putin's re-election

Despite the guaranteed result, the Kremlin is keen to make the election appear legitimate.
2024-03-15 02:07:36

Kremlin says Putin has been informed of incursion into Belgorod Oblast

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2023-05-22 18:11:12

RPT-Prigozhin says Kremlin factions are destroying the Russian state

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2023-06-03 16:07:35

Kremlin Wants to Purge Prigozhin Loyalists From Key Wagner Roles

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2023-06-30 11:10:07

Family of jailed Kremlin critic Navalny file lawsuit over visiting rights

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2023-07-03 20:15:42

Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny given more jail time on extremism charges

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2023-08-05 02:21:53

SBU detains priest of Kremlin-linked church over selling arms

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2023-09-26 12:40:48

Kremlin further restricts information space to ensure Putin?s re-election

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2023-10-29 19:07:42

Kremlin welcomes former German leader's Ukraine war offer

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2024-03-28 17:13:12

Prigozhin says Kremlin factions are destroying the Russian state

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2023-06-03 16:07:41

Zelenskiy Urges NATO to Disregard Kremlin on Ukraine Membership

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2023-06-28 17:10:18

Kremlin insists Putin has 'astounding' support after mutiny

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2023-06-29 15:13:05

Dismissing Rebellion as ?Minor,? Kremlin Dismantles Prigozhin?s Empire

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2023-07-01 17:10:44

Kremlin rejects speculation that Putin is ill and uses body doubles

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2023-10-24 12:09:12

Kremlin betting on global chaos to divide Western attention

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2023-10-26 21:10:20

Kremlin reacts to Zelenskyy's statement on Ukraine's right to kill Putin

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2023-11-21 16:09:34

Russia accuses Ukraine of Moscow drone attack

The Kremlin accuses Ukraine of being behind an attack that damaged at least two buildings.
2023-07-24 08:56:16


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